Sunday, July 11, 2010

Laptop Down

Well, we've been having a few issues here but we're still making it through. Unfortunately, the power chord for my laptop has stopped working and the battery died so I don't really have a good way to put up pictures at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to find a replacement sometime soon. In the meantime, I'll only be able to post stuff every few days when we somehow have access to a computer. But anyways, after we left Wicklow town it started to rain and it didn't stop for three days! When we heard that it rains all of the time in Ireland, we thought that it was just an exaggeration, but we were wrong! We were still able to see some pretty awesome stuff though. The drive down the eastern coast was beautiful and we stopped in a couple small villages on the way down. We eventually stopped in Waterford, trying to find the Waterford Crystal Factory. Unfortunately, we weren't able to find it and since we were absolutely soaked, we didn't feel like walking around too much to look for it. After Waterford, we headed inland to the city of Kilkenny to stay the night. That evening we made some friends at the hostel and headed out to a local pub together and ended up having a great time! There was a traditional Irish band playing and they were awesome (I hope to post some videos as soon as my laptop is working). The next day, we headed west, to the town of Cashel. At the town there is a huge 900 year old cathedral called the Rock of Cashel, and that was amazing! We stayed the night again in Kilkenny and then today we went back to Waterford and this time we found the Crystal Factory! We took a tour through the factory and it was really cool seeing how all of the different pieces are made! We then made our way along the southern coast, which included lots of cliffs and hairpin turns, to the city of Cork, where we're staying the night. We watched the Munster Hurling Championship while we were here which was very cool (FYI, hurling is an Irish sport similar to lacrosse but played with more of a field hockey-type stick). We also watched the World Cup game at one of the local pubs. Tomorrow we're going to check out Blarney Castle and then make our way over to Killarney! Hopefully I'll get a new chord for my laptop soon and I'll be able to post more often!


  1. hi guys, sounds like you are having a great time. Sure hope you thought of dear old mum when you were in the Waterford factory! Look forward to pics and more posting. Love ya, Mom

  2. That sounds like you guys are having so much fun! Mom and I are following along with you guys and we can't wait for the pictures and videos! Hopefully you get your cord soon! Have a LOT of fun and keep everyone updated! :)

    Aunt Ronna and Shelby :)

  3. Rebel Songs!!!! I am so glad I found your blog. Glad you are having such a great time. Does the Guinness really taste better?
