Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Finally Some Pictures!!!

I was finally able to find a new power chord for my laptop, so here are some pictures!

The one above this is a couple of the famous "Doors of Dublin".

Here's a picture of our first room in Dublin.

And here's Casey and I sharing a Guinness at the top of the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin! Disclaimer: If any of Casey's future employers are reading this blog, Casey is currently 18 and in Ireland, where the legal drinking age is 18 :)

I took this picture in the valley of Glendalough where we visited an old monastery founded by St. Kevin.

This was a really fun night! We were in Kilkenny and went out with a couple of people from the hostel, Brianna (in the picture) and Phil (the guy who took the pic).

As you can see, we had a good time :) I wanted to post a video of the band that was playing but it's taking a long time to upload and the internet's acting up so that's all for now. I'll post more as soon as possible!


  1. Hey Guys!
    Great pictures! It looks so beautiful there! :D Hope the weather clears up, but it looks like you have been having a great time anyway :D Looking forward to more updates :)

  2. I MISS YOU GUYS!!! I hope you are having the time of your life and living it to the fullest there! It looks and sounds like you have had an amazing and fun time! KEEP IT UP AND MAKE MANY MEMORIES!!!

    ps. Shane remember what your supposed to bring me!!!!! (NOT KIDDING) ;)

    Love you both!
